Winfield Library logo with address. 0S291 Winfield Road, Winfield Public Library, Winfield, IL 60190. Phone is 6306537599. Fax is 6306537781. Email is Hours are Monday to Thursday, 9 to 9. Friday and Saturday, 9 to 5. Sunday closed.

Youth Services
Teen Services

Freedom of Information Act

The Library maintains certain records which are available to the public upon request, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. 

Contact the library's FOIA Officer:

Matthew Suddarth, Library Director
0S291 Winfield Road
Winfield, IL 60190

Phone: (630) 653-7599
Fax: (630) 653-7781

Please be as specific as possible when making a FOIA request. You will receive a response to your request within five business days after the receipt of your request.

Fees for copies:

- The first 50 pages of black and white, letter or legal paper are free.
- After the first 50 pages, there is a $0.10 fee per page.
- Colored copies and copies sized other than letter or legal size will be charged at actual cost.

View the following documents:

Library Budget and Finances

Library Policies

Library Board Members

Library Board Meeting Minutes

Organizational Chart