Winfield Library logo with address. 0S291 Winfield Road, Winfield Public Library, Winfield, IL 60190. Phone is 6306537599. Fax is 6306537781. Email is Hours are Monday to Thursday, 9 to 9. Friday and Saturday, 9 to 5. Sunday closed.

Winfield Library Friends

The goal of the Winfield Library Friends is to provide volunteer assistance and funds from fundraising for the following:

  1. Family and Children's Programs: Summer Reading Programs, story hours, puppet shows, contests, Ice Cream Social
  2. Equipment: computers, bookshelves, computer desks
  3. Library Materials: Books, audio & video materials, magazines, computer software

So far, the Winfield Library Friends has donated countless hours of volunteer service and over $47,000! These funds helped to provide shelving, a die cutter for cutouts for story hour craft projects and library bulletin boards, postage and printing costs for the library's quarterly newsletter, summer reading funds, and more.

Volunteer Opportunities:
Below are just a few of the abundant opportunities to help the Friends support the Library:

  1. Book Sale: sort and sell books (Friends who volunteer at the sale get first choice!)
  2. Hospitality: provide refreshments for programs
  3. Fundraising: donations, prizes for special events
  4. Publicity: making signs/posters, writing newsletters, mailings, graphic design
  5. WLF Officers and chairpersons

To become involved please call 630/653-7599 or email us at

Donations for Membership:

  • Individual $10.00
  • Family $15.00
  • Contributing $25.00
  • Patron $50.00
  • Best Friend or Business $75.00
Ask if your employer will match your donation!

The Winfield Library Friends is a 501c(3) charitable organization.A copy of the Friends bylaws can be viewed by clicking here.