Winfield Library logo with address. 0S291 Winfield Road, Winfield Public Library, Winfield, IL 60190. Phone is 6306537599. Fax is 6306537781. Email is Hours are Monday to Thursday, 9 to 9. Friday and Saturday, 9 to 5. Sunday closed.

Director's Welcome

Photo of director Matthew Suddarth.

The Winfield Public Library is dedicated to working within the community to provide great service to great people. Welcome to our site. Here we hope you can experience an example of our fine library service filled with small town friendliness and carried out by a caring and knowledgeable staff.

It is our hope that we will meet your needs for information at this site just as if you walked into our comfortable building in its airy hillside setting. Please let us know how we are doing. You may write me, Matthew Suddarth, at 0S291 Winfield Road, Winfield, IL 60190, call me (630) 653-7599, send me a fax (630) 653-7781, or e-mail me at


Winfield Public Library Staff

Matthew Suddarth, Director
Katie Clark, Adult and Digital Services Librarian
Nuccia Choate, Youth Services
Tressa Link, Technical Services
Rozanne Murphy, Circulation Services
Marsha Spurlock, Youth Services Assistant
Dawn Leardi, Adult Programs
Rose Cayer, Young Adult Services
Barbara Johnson, Circulation and Serials
Joan Happel, Technical Services Assistant
Nicole Heffron, Publicity Assistant
Julie Reitzel, Circluation Assistant
The library employs a total of 4 full time and 10 part time employees.


Library Staff Organizational Chart (.pdf)

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